Building powerful partnerships

Revterra works with forward-thinking partners to advance energy technology

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Commercial partners

Pushing the bounds of innovation together

High-quality Revterra partners are putting in place our first grid-stabilizing kinetic battery projects within the next year. Here are a few of our real-world pilot partners and how they’re applying Revterra technology.

EV Charging Network Developer

This Southwest-based developer has thousands of EV charging stations integrated into its network. They plan to implement Revterra into a live DC fast EV charging installation to increase efficiency, reduce installation and demand charges and ease strain on the local grid operator.

International Utility Company

Located in southern Europe, this international utility company hosts multiple gigawatts of installed renewable power generation globally. They intend to implement Revterra into a long-duration solar + storage project, enhancing the capabilities of clean renewable generation with Revterra kinetic energy storage.

Regional Utility Company

A western European regional utility company serves hundreds of thousands of customers in Europe, generating exclusively renewable energy. With Revterra, they plan to implement our technology in a long-duration solar + storage project, providing electricity day and night.

Ecosystem partners

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